Found Money: Creating Streams
of Passive Income
Another Laser Workshop by
Novice to Advanced Marketing System
Copyright (c), All Rights Reserved, Niche Affiliate Marketing System, Inc.
This is the core of the NAMS mission for our members:
“Help as many people as possible become successful with their online business and build wealth in the process”
Building wealth in any business is about building ON your previous efforts
+ -
How did Ray Kroc become incredibly wealthy at 52 years old with a hamburger?
Instead of selling a hamburger every day, he sold a business every day to create more streams of income.
+ - We're not here about creating restaurants. But we are talking about franchises - in the Michael Gerber sense of the word.
Create endless and diversified streams of income
Do the work once and get paid for ever
Be VERY active about building your passive income
Training Courses - teach others what I know and have it available online
Book Publishing
Membership / subscriptions
Diversification - multiple steps and multiple paths
+ - Paul Evans
+ - Daniel Hall
+ - Nicole Dean & Melissa Ingold
+ - Look for programs that use lifetime database referrals
Dozens of products and more all the time
Send traffic once, make money forever on those you refer
Refer even more and make more.